Kindle highlights - Erik Hanberg

Kindle highlights

There's a feature on the Kindle that I rarely use: highlighting lines of text so you can find them later. I can count only a few times I've found this to be helpful.

But! As an author, it turns out that it can be enormously encouraging.

The Little Book of Gold, my fundraising guide for small nonprofits, has spent almost four months on the Kindle best-selling list for nonprofits. Crazy! One of the features of Amazon is that they will show you commonly highlighted passages in a book. That means that I (and anyone else) can see what people find valuable in the book. Here are some of the quotes:

start with the board, then “friends” of the nonprofit, and then use a fundraising event to increase contacts from the general public and bring them into your circle. –Highlighted by 4 Kindle users

a serious mistake to try to introduce people to your organization at the same time you make an ask –Highlighted by 4 Kindle users

also important to note here that no matter what the donor said after Linda made the ask, she acted as if it was the most generous gift she’d received.  –Highlighted by 3 Kindle users

The most effective fundraising is done with people who already know what your nonprofit is about. –Highlighted by 3 Kindle users

There were a few more snippets that were highlighted as well.

Seeing this is really encouraging. It's a good reminder that this book really is helping people. And it helps me know what kinds of things people are looking for as well.
