The Saints Go Dying, by Erik Hanberg - out today! - Erik Hanberg

The Saints Go Dying, by Erik Hanberg — out today!


In 2007 I started working on a novel called The Saints Go Dying, and I'm happy to say that I am releasing it today, exclusively as an e-book. The novel is a detective mystery with some really fun cat-and-mouse games between a detective and a killer.

Self-publishing it as an e-book is something of a experiment, and I would love it if my readers would consider helping me out!

The Plan

My plan is that I can get enough people to buy the book today, Monday, April 5. By having a concentrated effort of a lot of people purchasing the book within a short period of time, I think I can get the book into the Bestselling Kindle Mysteries list on Amazon (and at $2.99, it’s priced to sell).

Getting The Saints Go Dying onto that list, right as people are downloading books to their new iPads, means that it has a shot to get noticed by a much wider audience than I could reach on my own.

At $2.99 per copy, it’s not going to make me rich (especially after Amazon’s cut) but getting it read and getting it out there will help me build a readership for the sequel, The Marinara Murders, which I want to publish next year, or perhaps even to get this book noticed by a traditional publishing house.

How to Buy

The book is exclusive to the Kindle, but you don't need a Kindle to read the book! Just download the free Kindle reader for Mac, PC, Blackberry, iPhone, or iPad. Virtually every computer or mobile device has a Kindle reader for it, so not only would you be helping me out, but you’d have a really fun mystery novel to carry with you on your phone or read during a break at your desk at work.

Since the plan means I need as many people as possible downloading the book today, I hope you will consider taking five minutes to download the Kindle reader for your computer or phone and then purchase the book. If you have any questions about how to do this, I would be more than happy to help you out.

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