An update on Metro Parks billboard advertising

At tonight's Park Board meeting, the board unanimously voted to ask staff to draft a resolution that would prohibit new advertising placements on non-conforming billboards in Tacoma. So, it's not the final decision. That will be at a vote at the next meeting on this policy. But I heard a lot of support from my fellow commissioners and I think the unanimous vote to put a policy on our agenda next week speaks loudly. So thanks to everyone who emailed or testified about this! I feel good about the direction we're headed.

Metro Parks Billboard Advertising in Tacoma

Next Monday night, I'm bringing a motion forward for consideration by the Metro Parks Board to prohibit us from further advertising on non-conforming billboards in Tacoma. As many people have noted, MPT has some big billboards in town for the Zoo and Trek. If passed, this motion wouldn't immediately remove those, since they are currently under contract, but it would prohibit entering into any further arrangements on non-conforming billboards. We would still be able to advertise on any remaining billboards that are in compliance with the City's regulations. I think this would be a good fit with the District and Read more…

From the Onion – Pepsi stops advertising

“Look, Coca-Cola is a terrific product,” Nooyi continued. “Millions of people choose it over Pepsi every day. Are those people wrong? Of course not. Concepts like ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ shouldn’t even apply. It’s a soft drink.” Nooyi told reporters the company’s $1.3 billion annual advertising budget would be put into Pepsi’s savings account, spread among various charitable organizations, and divvied up into generous bonuses for the company’s minimum-wage factory employees. Claiming that “taste is subjective,” Nooyi further stated that those who hadn’t already heard of Pepsi were unlikely to begin drinking it now, and that the company was perfectly content Read more…