A Long Post About Creativity - Erik Hanberg

A Long Post About Creativity

Last Sunday’s panel on creativity was part of the programming for the Tacoma Reads book, The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind

The panel was very good: how creative people worked, why they worked, what they got out of it, etc.

What was lacking is that which I think lacks from most discussions of creativity: a real investigation into the spark of creativity. It lacks because it’s so hard to quantify, and it’s so situational.

So, I think I’m going to turn this into Creativity Week here, and try to get a post a day up about it. I’ll talk about books, post videos, and more.

Who is Creative?

I’m reading a book right now called What Technology Wants, by Kevin Kelly, and part of the book is about simultaneous invention: a shocking number of things have been invented almost simultaneously. The idea is that these things are just in the air, waiting to be discovered.

Kelly uses the lightbulb as an example. Maybe 10,000 people had thought, “What if we could use electricity for lighting?” Of those, 1,000 maybe thought, “I bet an incandescent filament inside a bulb would do the trick.” Of those maybe 100 actually tried to follow it through. Of those, 10 might actually get it to work (and about 10 people had invented working lightbulbs in the 1800s). But only 1 of those get it to work in such a way that it was adopted by the culture: Edison. Kelly says this order of magnitude winnowing is very common for inventions and ideas.

My question is, at which point in this process can we call someone creative? Are the 10,000 people who thought of using electricity for light “creative?” Are the 1,000 people who realized how it might be done “creative?” The 100 people who actually attempted it?

Traditionally, we only pay attention to the final 10 people who actually got the thing to work, and usually just the one who got it fully adopted: Edison.

I think there’s a case to be made that all these people are engaged in some form of creativity. I’ve thought of a bunch of ideas for novels that I’ll never write, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t creative work.

That said, my interest in this question of the creative spark is in the jump from the 1,000 people who think about how something could be done to the 100 people who actually attempt it. 

If 1,000 people really had the idea on how a lightbulb would work, why wouldn’t 900 of them even attempt it?

Resources is the most obvious answer. Time is another, although I think that’s a subset of resources (more resources at your disposal mean you can spend more time on things that may or may not pay off, like tinkering with lightbulbs).

But for the subset of people who had resources and time, and yet still didn’t tinker with a bulb … I think fear is the most likely answer. Fear of looking like an idiot if you were wrong, fear of letting yourself down, of wasting time, maybe even fear of success.


In my own experience, certainly, fear is what stands as the biggest roadblock to creativity.

For the last two, maybe three years, I’ve had an idea in my head for a science fiction novel, maybe even a trilogy. Standing in my way has been a lot of doubt and fear. What if it’s terrible? What business do I have writing a sci-fi novel? Stick to what you know, Hanberg.

I recently read the book Do the Work, a short manifesto about moving from thinking to doing as it relates to writing and other creative pursuits. I was inspired to start the idea I’d been toying with but had been scared to write.

And now that I’m into it, I think it’s going well. In fact, really well. I’m 35 pages into this thing, and it’s only been a couple weeks since I started. That’s an abnormally fast past for me, but I’m trying not to question it too much.

One of the reasons I think it has gone as well as it has is because I have gotten better at practicing creativity. I’ve been trying to write every morning, before I do anything else. It hasn’t gone totally smoothly, since morning meetings and other things sometimes get in the way. But it’s gone well enough that I have 8,800 words on the page that I didn’t before.

Reading the blog The 99% has given me some good food for thought on practicing creativity too. Going with the Edison’s theory that 1% of work is inspiration and the other 99% is perspiration, the blog offers some good ideas on doing the 99% after being struck by the inspiration.


3 Replies to “A Long Post About Creativity”

  1. I have a brother who is a genius – literally.

    He’s ten years older than me and for a whole gob of years he worked for a high tech firm designing integrated circuits. Not just any design, the only design. In the whole of the industry there were two guys who jockey’d back and forth for the fastest, most powerful chip. This industry edge would usually last about 2 years while the other guy was coming up with his latest innovation. New upstarts would come along and try to surpass these two inventors but my brother would smirk, realizing they were trying a lot of the dead ends that he had already explored. He knew what they were trying to do but he was ahead of the curve. He was imagining something completely different.

    What does this have to do with creativity?

    My brother would spend hours imagining – crazy stuff. Looking in the ether for that lingering spark that would be hidden in a cloud of ideas.

    Your comment, “more resources at your disposal mean you can spend more time on things that may or may not pay off,” is intriguing. He had the freedom to sit around and dream of possibilities without the need to focus-group test the concepts for profitability.

    Coming around to my own story, when Tom Llewellyn and I started Beautiful Angle we had a specific conversation about trying something new. “If we could take money out of the equation”, I remember Tom saying, “we could do anything we want.” That little revelation was powerful stuff. The other key revelation was that we committed to doing something sustainable, by that I mean we could keep doing. The project grew to what it is today because we chose to do something that we could sustain month-in-and-month-out. We were just to working guys with little spare time after work and family, church and community. So we created something that didn’t have to make money and that we could continue to do ad infinitum.

    That’s where I think creativity comes from – freedom to imagine and commitment to doing whatever it is that you are capable of sustaining.

    Dreaming and doing.

  2. @Lance. Good stuff!

    I think one of the interesting things about money and creativity is that often when you are willing to take money out of the equation of creative work, you’re often more likely to make money from creative work … eventually.

    For example, I’ve written 9 novels. And like any novelist, I’ve dreamt of being a best-selling author and all that. But if I’d only been writing them for that goal, I would have stopped after the first couple, when it became clear I wasn’t going to publish them.

    But I kept writing them because I loved the process of writing them, regardless of the money attached. The benefit is that after that much time writing novels and not publishing them … I’ve gotten a lot better at it. And thus much more likely to someday make money from them–more than the $75 I’ve made from the Kindle so far, at least. 🙂

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