Looking ahead - Erik Hanberg

Looking ahead

2010 is starting off quickly. We've got a big dinner tonight for City Club and there's plenty of work for Mary Holste Design. It's a good combo.

But I still want to do a little reflection here.

At the tail end of 2008, I wrote that I wanted to become more civically active in Tacoma. That took off in a big way with City Club. A non-profit dedicated to civic dialog and discussion? Sign me up! I didn't know how I was going to do it exactly, but I do feel that it was one goal (I hate calling them resolutions) that I successfully achieved.

If I had to pick a goal for 2010 … I want to do more. One summer Mary and I would start doing stuff Friday at 5:00 and go straight til midnight. The benefits of that non-stop activity Friday night was that by Sunday morning, we would feel like we'd already had a really long active weekend, and a restful Sunday was appreciated.

But I'm not just talking about doing fun stuff either. I remember one term at Carleton I took on a huge and difficult course load, and still got the best grades I had yet at Carleton, wrote 150 pages of a novel, and felt like it was one of my more social times to boot. In short: I like having full days. They make me enjoy everything else and I also end up getting a lot more done. But sometimes I need to be reminded of that. Because I also like being a homebody sometimes.

So there you have it. I have high hopes for 2010.
