"Staggeringly Smart" - Erik Hanberg

“Staggeringly Smart”


The Lead Cloak was reviewed by Kirkus Reviews, and it’s got a humdinger of a review.

Most of it is actually a pretty crisp plot synopsis, so don’t click through if you don’t want to read a couple spoilers. But here’s the end of the review:

The Lattice is a staggeringly smart example of what sci-fi critics call the “Big Dumb Object,” but Hanberg’s expertly honed storytelling is sleek and fast enough that readers won’t get tripped up in the twists.

A solid premise supports this entertaining tale.

As you might imagine, I was pretty pleased.

“Expertly honed storytelling?” I’ll take it!

The “Big Dumb Object,” in case you’re wondering, is a pretty common feature in sci-fi. Wikipedia cites the sphere in Sphere and the dome in Under the Dome as two prominent examples. Basically the writer introduces an object, the basic ground rules of how it functions, and then plays with the effect of that object on the characters.

This pretty well describes the Lattice and how it functions in the book, so it was pretty great to see it called out for being a “staggeringly smart” use of it.

Those two sentences quoted above will form the core of a back-page blurb.

I’m thinking: “Staggeringly smart … Hanberg’s expertly honed storytelling is sleek and fast … [an] entertaining tale.” — Kirkus Reviews.

Combined with a blurb from the thoughtful review on Post Defiance: (The Lead Cloak delivers an engaging story, an exciting plot, and an author to watch) I’d say the back cover is going to look pretty good.

Here’s a list of links to the book in a variety of online stores if you want to get your copy! Tacoma folks can get a copy at Kings Books as well.
