Just discovered that the Tacoma Library checks out audiobooks online. That’s an awesome service! Will eBooks soon follow?

From the TPL site: “Available online 24/7, this library is always open! Explore our growing collection of downloadable Audiobooks. You can download selections to your to your computer, transfer them to an MP3 player, or burn selected titles onto a CD for listening on-the-go. Borrow up to 10 items for 21 days using your valid Tacoma Public Library card and PIN. It’s quick, easy and you can do it anytime! More at the Library. Via The Melon.

Our Cat Juno

Apparently I’m the kind of guy who posts cute cat pictures on his blog.  I’m really just doing it to test a) attaching multiple images on my iPhone 3GS and b) Posterous’ gallery function.  But that doesn’t make her less cute. See the full gallery on Posterous

Yeah, I think I’m hooked

Blogger’s integration with Google will be hard to pass up. But if I’m using Gmail anyway, then isn’t that the same level of integration? Posterous is starting to seem like a good replacement, though.  It’s the first the that I’ve really considered changing services. Mainly because it doesn’t feel like I’m just weighing WordPress vs. Blogger vs. Textpattern. But because it feels like it’s actually something new. And I’m intrigued by that.  Anyway, I’m heading to Minnesota and Wisconsin for a week over the 4th.  Computer connectivity will be limited. But since Posterous seems so well made to work with Read more…

Are Atoms Really the New Bits?

I’ve long thought that it would be great to have a manufacturing machine that could take basic raw materials and some downloaded information to assemble them into a finished product. There’s actually a name for this concept. It’s called a Santa Clause machine. I could imagine a machine that took in recycled aluminum, possibly empty beer cans, and produced car parts like the frame, body, wheels, and engine. After downloading the information, the rate at which you could produce a car would only be limited by your rate of beer consumption (or you could collect cans from along side the Read more…