Me ... in watercolor - Erik Hanberg

Me … in watercolor


The awesome Tacoma artist Chandler O’Leary painted a watercolor portrait of me in her sketchbook last month. I’ve been meaning to post it here, but if you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, you’ll see it there too.

Chandler, among other projects, has a cool new site called “Drawn the Road Again” that is a watercolor/sketchbook travelogue. The whole site is illustrated and painted and it looks fantastic. (Side x Side helped her out with building it, hence the awesome portrait as a thank you).

You can also expect to see Chandler’s artistic sense on the cover for my science fiction novel.

Mary and I both felt that this book needed a very different look and feel than the mystery covers that Mary’s designed for me. Chandler’s work on it has been really exciting, and I can’t wait to launch the book (and the cover) soon.

For those counting … I’d say we’re a few weeks away from revealing the cover and under two months away from releasing the book! I can’t say 100% for sure but I’d estimate October sometime. When I release the cover, I’ll post the official launch date too.

Very excited!

Let the countdown begin …
