Now, cameras in cars ... - Erik Hanberg

Now, cameras in cars …

  • A small audio/video recording device installed behind the rearview mirror of the car driven by your teen.
  • When triggered by erratic vehicle movements, such as extreme braking, acceleration, cornering or a collision, the device provides a video clip of what occurred the 10 seconds before and after the event.
  • The recorded event is sent wirelessly to analysts, where it is reviewed and scored and coaching tips are offered.
  • Each week parents and teens are encouraged to review and discuss the results, which they access through a secure Website.
  • As I’ve said, one of my early points in my Pecha Kucha presentation is that you are not in control of your online identity.

    For starters, there are just too many potential cameras, and too many of them are linked to the Internet. Phones are obvious, but don’t forget ATM cameras, security cameras, etc.

    And now … cameras in cars, which activate whenever a teen’s car is erratic (see above).

    I am becoming more and more resigned to cameras being installed in more and more places. But for the teen’s sake, I hope that this teen never ventures toward Makeout Point with one of these camera-equipped cars. Awwwwkward …

    One Reply to “Now, cameras in cars …”

    1. Doesn’t the fact that everyone (billions) has an online identity (or 2 or 3), and you can really impact/create/shift it however you want, nullify the fact that elements of it are out of your control. The ubiquity of internet age information (be it online identity, or anything else) nullifies its significance. Eww…I totally just pulled some William Gibson shit on you.

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