It’s not a blog.
It’s been a year since I’ve blogged on my personal website. And it was six months before that since I’d posted and six months before that since the previous post. Three posts in two years, does not a blog make. I didn’t even remember to write about the completion of my sci-fi trilogy last summer (Hey! The Tin Whistle is out, the trilogy is complete! Read it now). So it’s time to face facts. For all practical purposes, I don’t have a “blog” anymore. I have a website. Once that was clear, then I knew I needed to spruce things Read more…

New look
I’ve been feeling the familiar itch to find a new look for this ol’ blog. It was leading to a lack of updates, too. I wasn’t happy with the look of the blog, so I didn’t want to spend much time updating it either. I finally found a little bit of time I hadn’t expected, so here we are! A brand new minimalist look. In addition, I’m working on some cool new features for the site, so hold tight!

Announcing the Media Carnivores Podcast
So here’s a really fun new project! Seattle author Brent Hartinger and I are starting a podcast called “Media Carnivores.” The first episode is online or you can subscribe directly from iTunes. There’s a Twitter feed for the episodes too. So what are “media carnivores?” Brent and I coined this term, so we get to decide! Media carnivores devour media–books, movies, television, plays. Everything. This podcast is our chance to talk about it. Not just about the shows we’re watching. But about what it all means. About where media is heading, as best as we can guess it. Sometimes that means talking about our Read more…

This post brought to you by…
Trying something new! I’ve created an affiliate account for (I know. Big whoop.) But now that I have a couple books on there, it seemed worth trying. If you’ve been thinking about joining Audible, please use this affiliate link that will get me a small bonus. You’ll help support my book-writing even more! I’ve put an ad in the sidebar, too. It’s way down there below the book titles. But it’s there if you want it. Thanks! Try Audible Now and Get A FREE Audiobook! [Affiliate Link]

Better. Stronger. Faster.
The new is still a work in progress, but I didn’t want to leave the danged “coming soon” page live any longer than I had to. So the site’s up, and hopefully it will continue to improve. Like the Six Million Dollar Man, the goal is that this version of the website is better, stronger, and faster. The previous site, while it had some features I really liked, was terribly slow to load and if I ever was lucky enough to grab a big influx of traffic, it would have faltered under the load. There were also some issues Read more…

The Little Book of Likes, now available!
I’m happy to say that The Little Book of Likes is now available on all major book sites: Kindle Paperback Nook Kobo The Little Book of Likes is dedicated to helping small (and very small) nonprofits build an audience of readers–and potential donors and volunteers–on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. This short guide leads Executive Directors and nonprofit marketing managers through the ins and outs of a simple social media strategy that is effective and sustainable. With real-world practical advice, it recognizes that nonprofit managers usually have better things to be doing than updating Facebook. Like The Little Read more…
A couple quick notes
I’ve added a “tag cloud” to the side of the blog. Previously it was hard to find any archives on the site without sorting by month, so this gives a quick way to go back and find old posts by category. It’s kind of ugly, but it works. I’ve also created a new “project” to track the presidential biographies I’ve read. In case you missed the smiling face of George Washington on my homepage, there you go.
A New Year, A New Blog
After more than three years hosting my blog on Posterous, I’ve finally decided to call it quits and create my own blog on my own site. This site was created using WordPress, a blog platform that has improved dramatically since the first time I checked it out. Posterous was a great resource for many years, but after having been acquired by Twitter, development on the system has been pretty much non-existent, and–when it really comes down to it–I wanted something much more customizable anyway. Because the truth is, I’ve been wanting more than a blog these days. I wanted a Read more…
The seemingly annual “what is this blog about?” post
If you’re a long time reader, you’re probably tired of my posts where I ask myself, what is this blog about? Especially because it doesn’t change that much or for that long. Because when it really comes down to it, the topics are roughly still the same: books, movies, technology, Tacoma, travel, parks, writing. But I’m not sure it’s enough for me anymore. Or it’s too much. A lot of those topics I have moved posting on them to other social media sites, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest. Not intentionally, but just because I’m there a lot. I repost and share things Read more…
In case it’s not obvious, campaigning has really slowed down my blogging speed.
I used to post a few times a day way back when. Then I aimed for a couple times a day. Then once a day. Now, I get to it when I get to it. This is mostly campaign related. Turns out that in addition to running for my the Park Board, actually being on the Park Board, ED of City Club, Web Designer for Mary Holste Design, and Self-Publishing Novelist, there's not so much room left for blogging. 🙂 I really do enjoy blogging, so I want to keep things moving regularly. I'll keep doing month publishing and writing Read more…