“Alexa, do you love Mommy?”
For the last few months, our family has had an Amazon Echo in the house. It’s a (rather elegant looking) microphone and speaker gadget that we had set up in our living room. In it lives the voice of “Alexa.” She’s like Siri on your iPhone, except she’s always on. You don’t need to press a button, you just say, “Alexa, set a timer for ten minutes” and your timer is set. Her range is very strong so from almost any room on our main floor, we can ask her questions. Generally speaking, Alexa has fit into our routine very comfortably. The things Read more…

Fatherhood Times Two
Last month, Mary and I were very excited to welcome our son Simon into the world. This little guy is super cute, and we have had a great first few weeks together. His big sister Hannah seems to like him as well, which is great. It’s tough to write about parenthood, since it’s one of the oldest subjects people have written about. I don’t have a lot of new things to add or original ways to say them. Steve Jobs once said, “Our children are our hearts running around outside our bodies.” And that sounds about right to me. So I’ll leave Read more…

In the family way
This might be old news to blog readers, but sometime this month, our family clan will be adding one more. It’s amazing to think about all the changes that will come with adding one more little one to our family–especially because the first two years with this one (pictured above exploring the beach at Kopachuck State Park) have been so wonderful. I’ll post photos of our new son (yes, we’re having a boy!) sometime in the future. But you’re more likely to see that first photo on Twitter or Facebook because it’s a lot easier to post there than to here.
Big year.
Today's my birthday! It's been a very chill day. A little excursion to Pacific Grill (thanks to my sister for watching Hannah while we went!) and some hanging about the place. I spent some time on a new side project I'm working on (more on that later). I watched some good TV. I played with Hannah. All in all, a pretty nice day. And really, a pretty nice last year. What a year between May 22, 2011, and today. I ran for office, got elected (ahem, retained), published The Marinara Murders, wrote 62,000 words in a sci-fi novel (that is Read more…
Super Cute Baby Update
She'll be 4 weeks old this Sunday!
Long time no post
Well, it's been just over two weeks since we welcomed Hannah into the world. It's been a crazy joyful sleep-deprived time. We're all healthy and happy. We enjoyed the beautiful weather these past few days and got out to Wright Park and the Ruston Way Waterfront. It feels good to get out, and Hannah sleeps through the whole thing, so it's pretty chill. Amid all the time caring for Hannah, recovering from caring for Hannah, and working, my writing has taken a definite backseat. It's very difficult to find time to do it. And when I do, it looks something Read more…
A new dad with a blog is a dangerous thing
So … this weekend Mary gave birth to our first child, a beautiful baby girl named Hannah. It's been a crazy few days. Not much sleep, a lot of diapers, and plenty of new experiences. We were admitted to the hospital Saturday night, Hannah was delivered Sunday morning, we were discharged Tuesday, and are just now finishing our first 48 hours in our own home (and it feels fabulous!). So! The exciting part … Pictures! I think most of these are pretty self-explanatory. But the view of Tacoma is from our window in the post-partum room (we faced the other Read more…