Why “Dune Peninsula” at Point Defiance Park?
On Saturday, July 6, Metro Parks opened a new park in Tacoma. “Dune Peninsula at Point Defiance Park” was the culmination of years of work at Metro Parks. Hundreds of thousands of cubic yards of dirt moved… EPA cleanup… construction… and more. It was an amazing achievement that the voters of Tacoma, Metro Parks, and the many people who took on this challenge should be very proud of. And long-time readers know that the name of the park has been something of a quixotic goal for me since 2013. Along with some others like Katy Evans and Dan Rahe, we Read more…

Frank Herbert and his Lost Archives
I thought this was an intriguing project and I wanted to share it here before the Indiegogo campaign wrapped up. Erik Jorgensen is working on bringing the “lost archives” of Frank Herbert to light. Herbert’s writing as a journalist is not nearly as well known as his masterwork Dune, of course. But what a journalist like Herbert chooses to pay attention to is revealed in his writing. Jorgensen has digitized his writing from 1949 – 1953 in Santa Rosa, California. Maybe someone should do the same with Herbert’s writing in the Puget Sound area, no? Good luck, Erik, on getting the Read more…