Should you self-publish?
I know a lot of authors who have self-published and a lot of authors who have traditionally published (and several who have found an in-between route). Brent Hartinger, my co-host on Media Carnivores, has done both, so together we were able to have a really interesting podcast discussion about this topic. We are definitely coming at it from two different sides–Brent thinks you should start by attempting to traditionally publish and I think you should start by self-publishing first. But we also both see real benefits to all options. The conversation went so well that we extended it into a Read more…

More on Media
I haven’t updated every episode on the blog, so you might not know that Media Carnivores, the new podcast Media Carnivores that I co-host with Brent Hartinger, is still going strong! We are currently in the Top 50 New & Notable podcasts in TV & Film on iTunes! Some of our most recent episodes are: “Is HBO Better Than Regular TV?” “What Is It Like To Have Your Book Turned Into A Movie?” and today’s episode: “Is Amazon Evil?” You can go check all of those episodes out at mediacarnivores.com but if you are an iTunes user, please consider subscribing to the show Read more…

Media Carnivores: Summer Blockbusters
The second episode of Media Carnivores is about the Hollywood summer blockbuster season that we are just kicking off with Spiderman and Godzilla. I love movies–small indie films and big loud boisterous blockbusters. But there has been a growing trend for the last ten years where all the big movies of the summer are either adaptations, remakes, or sequels. Brent and I talk about the trend of Hollywood going for the safe properties, and whether there are “concept” action movies that are going unmade. We cover a lot of ground, but the episode comes in nine minutes shorter than the last one. Read more…

Announcing the Media Carnivores Podcast
So here’s a really fun new project! Seattle author Brent Hartinger and I are starting a podcast called “Media Carnivores.” The first episode is online or you can subscribe directly from iTunes. There’s a Twitter feed for the episodes too. So what are “media carnivores?” Brent and I coined this term, so we get to decide! Media carnivores devour media–books, movies, television, plays. Everything. This podcast is our chance to talk about it. Not just about the shows we’re watching. But about what it all means. About where media is heading, as best as we can guess it. Sometimes that means talking about our Read more…