A tale of two novels

As I mentioned, I was inspired by some of the opportunities in publishing right now that I learned about at SXSW. But one of the reasons I was at those panels was because I’ve decided to really work on writing and publishing my work this year. I came to this decision for a couple reasons. The first: I love writing. Getting back into it reminds me of how much I’ve missed it. The second: I’ve written eight novels, and I’m working on a ninth. That’s a lot of writing for having never done anything with it. What if one of them could Read more…

Some quick reflections on SXSW so far …

SXSW has grown by leaps and bounds. Yesterday I learned there are more speakers at the 2010 conference then there were attendees at the first conference. I’ve had a great time so far. The panels have been great, much more even than last year. Either I got better at choosing or they’re just all-around better; not sure. But this year I also have the understanding that there’s just as much to learn outside the panels as in. Content Strategy I’ve pulled some good meat from the panels on web design and development, but the term that has emerged in my Read more…

Words With Friends

I’m still enjoying playing Words With Friends. I’ve been playing for the past few weeks and have yet to get bored with it. It’s basically Scrabble, but with a slightly different board. Here’s a sample of what it looks like. If you have it on your phone start a game with me. My username is erikemery. Warning: I know all the mean words like Za and Qi and I play ’em. 🙂

Roger Ebert’s new voice

He's been the go-to film critic for me for many years. His writing is just top-notch. And now that he's started twittering, I've been impressed at how good of a twitterer he is. Inventive, funny, and a good spotter of interesting links. Now that he hasn't been able to speak for the last four years, he's finally getting a chance to get his old voice back. A company in Scotland is taking footage from his show and working to put it together into a new voice. The results were debuted on Oprah this week. A pretty good result!

Speaking of dropping services …

… I stopped using Google Latitude. I've been playing around with both FourSquare and Gowalla on my phone and I'm enjoying those a lot more than Google Latitude. It had potential, but it just didn't seem to go anywhere.

Again on the iPad

With a Kindle, iPhone, and Macbook air, I'm pretty well set for on-the-go computing … for now. But this demo of how Wired magazine is designing their magazine for a tablet (note: not the iPad) is a pretty clear example of the appeal. The question I have: how long until the iPad could consolidate 2 of my machines? Already the iPhone replaced my iPod and my cell phone. 2 consolidated down to 1. And already it's clear the iPad could replace the Kindle, although I appreciate the book-like feel of the Kindle. But could it replace the Macbook Air someday and Read more…