Andrew Fry wants a Day, but will take a Minute - Erik Hanberg

Andrew Fry wants a Day, but will take a Minute

Like Andrew, I was also intrigued by Minutaur. Especially since it’s a local production.

Here’s Andrew’s summary from his post today:

“I could hope for the Governor to send out a proclamation that today is “Andrew Fry Day”, but I would have to somehow earn that. Not happening any time soon. 
If only there was a way for me to publicly claim that day for myself. (or to be less self centered, claim it for someone else in the hope that they will then claim one for me in return)
Well, set your watches. My first moment will arrive tomorrow on Minutaur. Minutaur is a new site that allows for you to purchase moments, days, weeks and months, which thanks to Elliot Trotter, will allow just about anyone to have their moment. How cool is THAT!”
