Climbing out from under a rock - Erik Hanberg

Climbing out from under a rock

It's not too often that I go five days without a blog post.

But I've been under a rock. A big project has swamped me with Mary Holste Design, with some 12 hours days this weekend. City Club has our first lunch meeting today at our new venue–Tacoma Art Museum, which I'm very excited about. Our speaker for lunch is UW President Mark Emmert.

And on top of all that, tonight I'll be interviewing with the Metro Parks commissioners! I've applied to be considered for appointment to one of the open seats on the board. Long time readers of this blog will remember that it was visiting every Metro Park that actually got me started blogging in 2005. I was so inspired by the parks I saw I briefly put my name forward to run for a seat. (My youth and my busy job at the Grand gave me second thoughts and I decided to hold off until I was better prepared.)

So it's been one of those weeks. Crazy while you're living it, but once it's over, you feel pretty good about what you accomplished. Clearly my New Years goal of "doing more" is off to a great start. 🙂
