Russell Employees will add 374,000 hours to their commute ... - Erik Hanberg

Russell Employees will add 374,000 hours to their commute …

Our analysis, which we shared with Russell, shows that in the aggregate Russell employees will spend an additional 373,880 hours per year in their cars (if the company left Tacoma). This is 474 more hours per commuter per year. Based on IRS mileage reimbursement rates, Russell employees would see an additional cost of commuting of $4.5 million per year. We used actual Russell employee zip codes so this takes into account the few people whose commutes will be shorter.

In terms of miles traveled, the Seattle commute will result in 8,225,360 additional miles traveled annually by employees.

From a letter to the Tribune …

474 more hours per commute per year translates to 19.75 additional days spent in the car.
