This year's Christmas tree is so money and it doesn't even know it. - Erik Hanberg

This year’s Christmas tree is so money and it doesn’t even know it.

A year ago we were given some beautiful origami dollar bills from our friends Seamus, Liz, and Marguerite. We saved them and used them as ornaments for our Christmas tree.

The stars on top are particularly cool. Each was made with five bills interlocked into a star. Very cool!

We added chocolate Euro coins to the mix as well to give it a little sparkle.

Yes, a money tree may be a little sacrilegious, but it’s not so different from my poker tree a few years ago when it comes to that.

This one was fun. Now we just have to keep guests away from the ornaments. 🙂

A short history of our Christmas tree themes:

2004. Movie tree. In celebration of starting at the Grand.
2005. Olympics tree. For my visit to the Torino Olympics.
2006. Poker tree. Because I liked poker.
2007. Office tree. Celebrating Mary’s home office (or, working from home) and Suite133.
2008. Cat toy tree. Celebrating Juno joining the family.
2009. Silver and red tree. Definitely the lamest of the bunch. No good reason for this one.
2010. Money tree. Err… because we had the dollar bills and couldn’t bear to unfold them.

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