Verizon Asks to End White Pages for All in N.Y. - - Erik Hanberg

Verizon Asks to End White Pages for All in N.Y. –

Verizon, the dominant local phone company in the state, asked regulators on Friday to allow it to end the annual delivery of millions of White Pages to all of its customers in New York. The company estimates that it would save nearly 5,000 tons of paper by ending the automatic distribution of the books.

Only about one of every nine households uses the hard-copy listings anymore, according to Verizon, which cited a 2008 Gallup survey. Most have switched to looking up numbers online or calling directory assistance. The phone book for many people, it seems, has gone from indispensable tool to unavoidable nuisance.

This needs to happen in Washington. 1 in 9 households use them anymore! What a waste. Phone books should go from opt-out to opt-in.
